Serving Our Community
​Nicoma Park Fire Department Firefighter Requirements:
Must be at least 18 years old
Must possess a valid Oklahoma Driver’s License
Must live within 10 minutes of the Nicoma Park Fire Department Station
Complete the application process
Pass a thorough background check
Panel interview and approval
All members of the department must conform to and comply with City of Nicoma Park employment rules and conditions of employment
City Mayor approval
All members must complete required NIMS, Minimum of Structural Firefighting, and Minimum of Oklahoma Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) training within first year
Attend required training for position applied for
After you first year is completed, Volunteers are voted to stay on by their peers
When do meetings and trainings take place?
Trainings are held every first and fourth Tuesday of the month. Meeting runs between 1800 hrs and 2200 hrs. Saturday Training may be scheduled as needed. Goals of these trainings are to improve firefighter and medical skills.
Business meeting – A monthly business meeting will be held at the start of drill on the first Tuesday of the month.